Wednesday, October 16, 2024




Serendipity is in the mind of the sagacious witness. It is in the eyes of the beholder and listener.

The three princes of Serendip

The serendipity freak is a person who has the unwavering mindset of engineering serendipity encounters and attracting them into their life in a systematic way.

I’m a serendipity freak.  Here's a wide foray into the skills and actions of the guerrilla serendipity freak and the psychological profile of one.

Guerrilla Serendipity captures a fascinating idea: proactively influencing fortunate life situations and taking actions to encounter joyful discoveries. It’s about going beyond waiting for “happy accidents” to happen.

Engineered Serendipity describes an approach where I actively create situations or take actions that increase the likelihood of encountering random happy accidents or fortunate discoveries.

I realized the fact that I live in an environment flooded and soaked through and through with infinite serendipity opportunities. Serendipity is in the air we all breathe; in the water we drink and the food we eat.

I accepted this reality and turned it into a mindset. At the same time, I stopped using the words “luck” or “chance”.

~ First step in the journey of the serendipitous life is to accept the statement above.  Accept it. You don’t create serendipity anymore that you create energy.  Energy is out there. Serendipity is like energy. Serendipity is available to anyone who perceives it. People perceive serendipity using their innate sagacity.

~ Be a Sage.  Be Sagacious. Acquire sagacity and live sagaciously.

Everyone has what it takes to be, to live and act sagaciously.  Sagacity is the quality of being discerning, wise, and farsighted. It's the ability to evaluate information before deciding. Have you ever heard of the Sage of Omaha?

~ Summon and enter the mental state of serendipity awareness.

Summon serendipity awareness using your conscious and subconscious prevailing mindset. That’s the fundamental step before embarking on a serendipitous life journey.

Once you enter the serendipity awareness state – you’ll never leave it.

~ Think Serendipity.

Think serendipity while awake. Dream serendipity while you are asleep. Contemplate serendipity all your life.

Our conception in momma’s uterus was a result of a serendipitous encounter between two people – her and dad. We were successfully conceived through a serendipitous encounter.

Each one of us, whoever we are and wherever we are in life stay as a sum total of innumerable serendipitous meetings that we made with other folks and our environment.

~ Start writing in your daily planner a list of all expected serendipitous events of the day. Ask and expect serendipity encounters to come your way all your waking hours.

~ My daily mantra is: “Today and every day I walk on Serendipity Lane”. 

Adopt this mantra.

There is serendipity in the air I breathe.  I kid you not.

Sagacious people believe and feel that there is gold dust in the air they breathe. Because of their serendipity mindset they work with, and act with the gold dust premise that is in their air.   (Scientifically, Earth's atmosphere contains gold atoms in very small quantities. The main components of air are nitrogen and oxygen, about 99% of the atmosphere.  Trace amounts of other rare elements are also present.  Gold atoms are present in minuscule quantities in the air and undetectable by most people.  The source of gold is coming from ongoing volcanic eruptions or falling meteorites.) 

I wish I knew, understood, and internalized this wealthy mindset earlier in my life.

~ Make this experiment. Go buy five sequentially numbered state lottery tickets. Scratch them. You’ll witness serendipity in your life. BTW, if you win $1,000 consider sharing with me 10% of your winning prize.

~ Live your life in Serendipity Awareness.

For this purpose, you must abandon your comfort zone.

~ Exit your comfort zone. It will feel awkward at the start.

~ Unleash your inner guerrilla serendipity.

Recall – guerrilla serendipity is the approach where I actively create or design situations and sagaciously take actions that increase my chances of encountering happy happenstances and fortunate discoveries.

~ Embrace as many “fringes” in your life as you encounter.

To embrace the fringes, you must leave the mainstream’s comfort zone.

~ Become a “Deviant”.   Don’t imitate the crowds of useful idiots.

Don't be afraid to break the mold. Challenge conventional thinking and explore the unorthodox.

~ Seek the Obscure.  Expect ambiguity.

Delve into forgotten libraries, dusty archives, and unexplored corners of the internet. You’ll unearth hidden gems.

Ask smart questions, such as: what is known, what if, now what, so what.

~ Reframe Problems. 

Instead of approaching problems head-on, look at them from a completely different angle. This will lead you to unexpected solutions

~ Become a Master of Observation.

~ Be a Fly on the Wall.  Be an eavesdropper.

Develop the ability to observe situations without interfering. This allows you to pick up on subtle cues and nuances.

~ Go on People Watch.   

As you watch them analyze how they behave in different places. Act as a research anthropologist. Look for nonverbal cues and patterns of interaction. Go out to public events.  Observe fellow air travelers in international airports.


~ Assemble and Cultivate a “Network of the Unlikely”. 

A Network of the Unlikely in social settings refers to a group of people who wouldn't typically connect because of their backgrounds, interests, or social circles, differences in age, profession, hobbies. Meet people other than your tribe, who are socially and culturally different.

~ Always be the first to introduce yourself to strangers. (Break out of your comfort zone).

I introduce myself in the James Bond, 007 style that is:  Bond, James Bond.”

So, I always introduce myself: “Lender. Mandy Lender.”  The other party is taken uneasy - out of their comfort zone. Try it!

~ Listen to people.

Their stories give cues to what they want or what they need.

~ Collect Stories.   

Everyone has a unique story.

Listen intently to others and find the extraordinary in the ordinary. Learn from other people’s stories.

~ Determine to become a Social Connector.    Actively introduce people from different walks of life to each other. You never know what sparks might fly.

~ Never Eat alone.
This is more than a best-selling book.  It’s a business application Bible. If you  want to engineer serendipity this is a must read text - it’s a philosophy of life – it’s a 21st century version of how to win friends an influence people.

~ Share your bread with others.

“Cast your bread upon the waters” is a phrase from Ecclesiastes 11:1. The verse continues, “for after many days you will find it again”. Some say the verse is about investing money in foreign trade and means that if you invest wisely in a broad market, you will eventually make a profit. 

Ask the Sage of Omaha how that worked for him. I say spread your knowledge with others.



Beware: comfort zone blocks serendipity.  Stay out of your comfort zone.

~ Embrace the “Serendipity Six” Technique.

This is a technique taken from the class in Engineered Serendipity. I identify six people in my network (FB friends, LI contacts, club members) with which I can exchange on the face of it, offhand, random information and more connections.

Who are the Serendipity Six?

Imagine you have six friends making a large group chat. But instead of just sharing memes and playing videos, you use it for some creative brainstorming. That's kind of the vibe of the "Serendipity Six." There are other ways.

Here's the action plan:

1.    Pick Your Crew Members.  Grab six people you know who are into different stuff. Maybe your techie buddy, your grandma who's a whiz at gardening, and that artist friend who always sees the world differently.

2.    Dump Random Info.   Every now and then, you toss some interesting idea into the group chat. It could be a cool article you found, a random question bouncing around in your head; a how to do it yourself question; or even a problem you're stuck on.

3.    Connection Magic.   The idea is that these seemingly unrelated things might spark connections in someone else's mind. Maybe your techie friend has a solution to your problem, or your grandma's gardening tip inspires the artist for their next masterpiece painting.

Explainer: It's about using the power of weak ties – those connections outside your close circle that can open doors to new ideas and opportunities. 

Think of it like this: you're planting seeds of information, and you never know what kind of cool stuff might grow from them!  It's not a guaranteed path to riches, but it's a fun way to shake things up and see where it leads.

It’s “brainstorming-lite”. Duh.


You got “a situation?”

Any situation is also a serendipity encounter.

~ Experiment With “the Situation” and Act on It.

"Experiment with the Situation and Act" means transforming to a casual vibe:

1. Try Stuff Out. Try the situation stuff out.

Imagine your favorite restaurant has long lines. Instead of just waiting (because, hungry!), you check if they take call-ahead orders or see if there's a quicker option on their menu. That's you "experimenting" (trying something different) and "acting" (taking control).

2. Messing Around (in a good way). 

Science experiments are basically cool kids messing around as in a lab (safely, of course!). They see something weird, tinker around in the garage, so they tweak things like temperature or add funky chemicals (with adult supervision!) to see what happens next. Experiment with the situation and then act on it!

3. Think Outside the Box. Always.

You overslept for work – oops!  Instead of freaking out, you check traffic and see if there's a faster route, maybe even consider working from home if possible. Boom! Experiment with the bad situation (oversleeping) and acting to (hopefully) avoid a worse outcome (getting fired).

4.    Step Out of Your comfort zone.

Yes! I can’t understate this emotional obstacle enough.

Feeling awkward at a party? That's common!  Instead of just standing there, introduce yourself to a stranger.  It’s easier than you think. Try striking up a conversation with someone who looks friendly; or find others who share your interests. Experimenting with the situation (the party) and acting (to make it more fun)!   Decide to be the life of the party. 

Basically, do not let situations control you.

Get creative, try new things, and see what works best. It's about being a problem-solver and making the most of any situation!

Cultivate your in-born survival skills and talents of ingenuity mindset. Ingenuity  is the root word of engineering. Engineers are problem solver folks - solution oriented.

Experiment in your daily life - socially, professionally, and artistically.


~ Embrace Constraints.   

This may sound insane. Constraints or restrictions often seem like limitations.  But not inevitably so.  Some limitations are self-delusional.

If you’ve constraints, you must look around and search for ways and means to bypass them.

It is the limitations that spark creativity, once you decide to overcome them.

We use constraints to find resourceful innovative solutions. Necessity is the mother of creativity. Think of the scientist who made a groundbreaking discovery with limited equipment.

~ Prototype Quickly.

Create. Execute, Build.  Take solutions and try them.

Don't wait for everything to be perfect. There is no “perfection” in the real world. Consider life as a Lego playbox. Build rough prototypes and test them early and often. This allows you to iterate quickly and learn from your mistakes.

Serendipity Workout

Serendipity workout strengthens our engineering serendipity skills.


Serendipity Hunting

Serendipity hunting requires going out physically and being out and about. Go into the public arena, shaking hands with people and gabbing with them. Small talk is a useful skill.

Hunt in unique places – stores, libraries golf courses, ribbon cutting events, car dealership showrooms, bar and grills, funerals, town hall meetings, school boards sports arenas and stadiums.  Transit union stations, airports (- I love international airports), VIP lounges and art exhibits. Serendipity hunting is a part time job if you do it correctly, and in-depth.

~ Serendipity Sundays.    

Dedicate one day a week for serendipitous explorations. Take a random class. Visit an unfamiliar museum; or strike up a conversation with a stranger. (Here we go Again!). 

Let's ditch the lecture hall and dial it up to chill.

Here are more ideas on how to turn one day a week into an awesome exploration mission:

 ~ Gear Up for Randomness.

Pick a Loose Vibe (optional).  Maybe this week's about uncovering hidden artsy corners, or just soaking up the town's weirdness. You may decide to go bird watching. Whatever sparks your curiosity, go with it!  Remember, keep it loose - let the day take you wherever it wants.

Adventure Backpack (kind of a backpack).  Grab a notebook to capture cool stuff, your phone (Duh, pictures taking and info sources), some water to stay hydrated, and a few bucks for unexpected finds or bus fare. Think of it as your "day of awesome" toolkit.

Ø Let's Get Weird.

 ~ Ditch Your Usual Haunts.  Explore a part of town you wouldn't normally hit up. Talk to that interesting stranger at the coffee shop. Try that quirky activity you've been eyeing – even if you think you might stink at it. The goal? Leave your comfort zone and see the world (and yourself) in a new light. 

 ~ Curiosity is Your Captain.   Follow your nose (metaphorically)! See a cool shop?  Dive in! Hear some banging music?  Track it down! Don't be afraid to get sidetracked – those unplanned detours can lead to the best discoveries.

 ~ Be a Daytime Detective.   Document your finds! Jot down cool stuff you see, funny things people say, or even how you're feeling. Don't worry about making sense – random observations might spark something later. Then, post it on your Facebook or TikTok page.

Ø Unearthing the Awesome.

 ~ Debrief Your Day.   After your adventure, chill out and reflect. Did you learn something new? Maybe conquer fear? Spark an interest in something totally unexpected?  Write down your experience.

 ~ Publish your serendipity hunting expedition discoveries on your indie blog site. Tag other celebrities. I do that.  If you wish to encounter serendipity you have to expose yourself to others.

 ~ Did I mention that you must have a personal blog?  Well, I’m saying it here. It doesn’t cost a dime.,  Medium  Substack and more. Expose yourself to the blogosphere.

 ~ Connect the Dots.   See how your “finds” fit into your life. Can you use that new skill you learned? Did you gain a perspective that might influence something you’re working on?

 ~ Seed the Next Adventure.   Based on your day, brainstorm what you want to explore next week. Maybe that historical marker sparked a local history obsession, or that random chat ignited a passion for a new culture. Let your curiosity be your guide!

Basically, serendipity hunting day is the day to ditch the routine and open to the unexpected. 

My house is eight blocks away from Frank Lloyd Wright home in Oak Park Il. I visited there with guests repeatedly. 

Dedicate a day every week or two to explorations like this, you'll be building a life full of surprises, constantly expanding your horizons, and who knows, you might just stumble onto something incredible. So, grab your phone, a notebook, and your sense of adventure – let’s go find some awesomeness!

~Go Geocaching.  Get started with geocaching.

~ Play GeoGuessr.  I do. I enrich my geographic knowledge.

It’s time for all of us to start visiting places we never been to before.  We can start by visiting virtually. I visited the Galapagos Archipelago and encountered iguanas of all colors and all kinds – terrestrial, maritime and in between species.

~ Publicize yourself on the internet.

Guerrilla publicity doesn’t cost money.  It is the simplest cost-free modality to create Engineered Serendipity encounters.   The wider my exposure is to the world the greater are my opportunities for random serendipity encounters. The formula for guerrilla serendipitous marketing is:
GS=ABC (Guerrilla Serendipity=Anything But Cash).

 ~ Have Your Profile posted on LinkedIn, and Facebook.  Note: if you can’t tolerate – (being too shy) personal publicity, then serendipity skips you.

 ~ Publish your own blog.  I publish 6 personal blogs.  Search and find my blogs on #Google or #Bing.

~ Acquire, Internalize, and Sustain the Guerrilla Serendipity Mindset.

 ~ Think Like a Child.    Children have an insatiable curiosity and a willingness to experiment. Reconnect with your inner child and embrace a playful approach to problem-solving.

 ~ Accept and Embrace Failure.    Don't be afraid to fail. Failures are steppingstones to success. Learn from them and keep moving forward. I once wrote an essay on the “Advantages of Failure”.

 ~ Trust Your Intuition.     Don’t discount your gut feelings.   Intuition is our powerful built-in sense organ. Pay attention to those hunches and see where they lead you. Trust yourself.

 ~ Embrace the “Power of Maybe”.    Get comfy with ambiguity. Not everything needs a definitive answer now. Sometimes, beauty lies in the exploration of the unknown. Galileo Galilei the great astronomer explored the skies and discovered four moons of Jupiter serendipitously.


Profile of A Guerrilla Serendipity Freak

The guerrilla serendipity freak blends several personality traits:

The Skeptical Optimist.   They question assumptions but believe in the possibility of encountering the extraordinary.

The Relentless Connector.    The freak serendipitor actively seeks out connections between seemingly disparate ideas and different people.

The Open-Minded Observer.    The freaks are curious about the world and willing to see things from different perspectives. To the freak the world view is kaleidoscopic.

The Playful Experimenter.    The freaks embrace experimentation and they are not afraid to take calculated risks.


Ø Guerrilla Serendipity: Engineering of Happy Accidents

While the term "guerrilla serendipity" captures a fascinating idea: actively influencing situations to increase the likelihood of fortunate discoveries. It's about going beyond just waiting for happy accidents to happen and instead taking a proactive approach. Guerrilla serendipity is a sub-track under the freakiness passion for Adventurism.

Remember: Guerrilla Serendipity is free: GS=ABC


Here are more ways to trigger guerrilla serendipity in our lives:

1. “Nice Meeting You.”  - Become a Curator of Encounters:

 ~ Embrace the Unplanned Random Events:  Schedule some "blank space" in your day or week. Take a different route to work, explore a random corner of a bookstore, or attend a meet-up on an unfamiliar topic.  These unscripted moments can spark unexpected connections or ignite your curiosity in a new direction.

 ~ Become a Conversation Catalyst:    Strike up conversations with people from diverse backgrounds. Ask open-ended questions and be genuinely interested in their experiences. You will discover hidden gems of knowledge or perspectives that could fuel your own creativity.


Ø 2. Maneuver Around Like a Guerrilla Serendipity Tactician:

The key here is to embrace the unexpected, and experiment with it in a playful spirit, and leverage constraints as steppingstones to happy accidents.

 ~ Resourceful Innovation:    Similar to guerrilla marketing’s resourcefulness, approach any challenges with a "Let’s make it work" mentality.  Limited resources can breed innovation.  For instance, a painter with a restricted palette might discover a new way to mix colors, leading to a unique style.

 ~ Regard Constraints as Steppingstones:    Reframe limitations as triggers of opportunities.  A writer with a short deadline might be forced to be more concise, leading to a story of greater impact.

Ø The Power of Playful Disruption:

 ~ Random Acts of Collaboration:    Step outside your usual social circle and collaborate with someone from a completely different field.  A musician working with a programmer, for example, could lead to a groundbreaking new musical sound instrument.

 ~ Juxtapose the Unjuxtaposable:    Combine unrelated concepts in your line of work or hobbies.  This "controlled chaos" can spark unexpected insights and lead to serendipitous discoveries.  Aisles of a bookstore are literally lined with serendipitous ideas.

By incorporating these elements of guerrilla serendipity, you transform yourself from a passive observer to an active architect of fortunate encounters.

&       &       &


I have three pillars that constitute and support the art and craft of engineered serendipity.

Their acronym is – SAS.

S stands for Sagacity

A means Adventurism

S is Sociality


&      &      &


First Pillar: SAGACITY

Sagacity is a life skill.

Sagacity is a survival mechanism.

You don’t learn sagacity in school.  Our universities don’t offer sagacity classes, although it should be introduced as a requirement class to college freshmen. Our universities and colleges (except one) don’t offer a life skills class.  Sagacity is the quality of having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment. It's essentially a synonym for wisdom, shrewdness, and insight.

A person with sagacity is like a skilled chess player who can anticipate their opponent's moves and plan their own strategy accordingly. They possess a deep understanding of the game and can make smart decisions even in complex situations.

In simple terms – Sagacity means to me - I observe an opportunity or encounter a serendipitous event I grab it.

While we live in anticipation and expectation of a serendipity encounter, we are inclined occasionally to put a barrier to a potential serendipity encountering us.

The word “no”, is a serendipity blocker.

Time is a Canvas:  Serendipity needs space to unfold.  Just as an artist needs an empty canvas, our mind needs unscheduled time space to make and accept unexpected connections and welcome new ideas. Rushing from appointment to appointment leaves no room for these happy accidents.

The Time of "Doing Nothing" is Doing Something:    Quiet contemplation is a fertile ground for serendipity. By letting go of directed thought, we allow your subconscious to work its magic, connecting seemingly disparate ideas and leading us down unexpected paths.

 ~ Unplugging is Key:   In our hyper-connected world, the continued notifications and information overload disrupt the flow of spontaneous thoughts essential for serendipity. Disengaging from our surroundings allows us to tune into our inner world and be receptive to chance encounters and insights.

 ~ Openness, Not Objectives:   Serendipity is about discovery, not goal achievement. Approaching our "serendipity time" without a specific goal allows our mind to wander freely, increasing the likelihood of stumbling upon something truly novel.

Here are some action tips to enhance our serendipity lifestyle habits:

 ~ Varying our environment:   While quiet contemplation is key, changing our physical surroundings sparks new connections. Exploring a new park, visiting a museum, or simply taking a different route on our way to work.

 ~ We Need to Engage with Diverse Perspectives:    Exposing ourselves to different ideas and viewpoints. Reading books outside our usual genres, striking up conversations with people from different backgrounds, or attend lectures on unfamiliar topics.

 ~ We Have to Embrace the Unexpected:   That means to be open to detours and diversions. Sometimes the most serendipitous moments occur when we deviate from our planned course.

By consciously creating space and time for serendipity encounters, we bring more creativity, joy, and meaning into your life.



Imagine yourself as a renegade randomness wreaker, (RRr), a wild card in the world of finding cool stuff. Here's how to unleash and set free our inner "guerrilla serendipity freak".

The Three Princes of Serendip were adventurers under the instruction of the father the King.

  • Be a rebel with a cause: Ditch the mainstream. Explore the weird, forgotten corners of the internet, the libraries, your town or your country. You never know what hidden gems you'll unearth.
  • Turn into a detective: Become a master observer.

Act like an uber spy in plain clothes. Pick up on those subtle details everyone else misses. Practice people watching – what are the stories behind their faces? The best place to watch crowds of different people of diverse nationalities is the international airport. But this is another long story coming up elsewhere.

  • Become a weirdo matchmaker: Introduce the Goth kid in you to your grandma who knits monster hats. You might be surprised by the mental sparks that fly. Every person has a story – listen closely, there's gold in those unexpected tales. And hey, collect six random people you know – swap crazy stories with them every so often. You never know what wild connections you might cook up.
  • Level up your tinkering skills: As said, limitations are our new best friend. Use what you've got to get creative. Think “duct tape and cardboard” inventions – sometimes those lead to the next big thing. Don't wait for everything to be perfect – build a rough plan and dive in, test it, tweak it, repeat!
  • Embrace the randomness detour: Dedicate a Sunday to the unexpected. Take a random class, visit a museum you've never heard of, go into the woods, strike up a conversation with a stranger with a friendly dog. Who knows what wacky adventure awaits?

Basically, act as a curious kid on a sugar rush, forever asking "why?" and never afraid to try something new.

  • Screw-ups are your friends: Failing is part of the game. Learn from your blunders and bounce back stronger.
  • Trust your gut: That feeling in your tummy might be exactly what you need to listen to. Don't be afraid to follow a hunch; see where it takes you.
  • ‘Maybe’ is magical: Not everything needs an answer right away. The beauty is in the exploration. Embrace the unknown!


The Guerrilla Serendipity Crew:

  • The Optimist Skeptic:  An optimist skeptic questions everything but believes in the random realm of the extraordinary.
  • The Connector with a Cape: They're all about making unexpected connections between ideas and people. People connectors, side connectors, resources connectors, pool investors.
  • The Open-Minded Spy: They see the world from all angles and are curious about everything.  They go on field trips, read rare books, shop at hit-and- miss secondary stores.  TJ Maxx is a classic example. You never know what you’ll find there.
  • The Playful Mad Scientist: They experiment and take calculated risks. They tinker in their basement lab.

By following these habits and tactics and letting your freak flag fly, you'll be a serendipity magnet in short order. Remember, serendipity encounters are a habit and a skill we learn, so let’s get out there and start wreaking some happy havoc in the world!



Dash to Social Encounters. Seek social opportunities to say: “Nice to meet you”.

Ø Leverage Organizations and Communities

 ~ Professional and Trade Associations:   Be an active member of organizations related to your industry.  Attend conferences, workshops, and networking events to meet like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and stumble upon opportunities for collaboration.

 ~ Social Clubs and Hobby Groups:   Pursue your passions and interests by joining and attending clubs or groups dedicated to activities you enjoy. Whether it's a book club, sports team, speaking clubs or volunteer organizations, you'll connect with people who share your enthusiasm, fostering natural conversations and potential friendships.

 ~ Community and Civic Organizations:   Get involved in your local community by volunteering and participating in civic organizations. There we meet people who are passionate about making a difference in the community; you’ll expand your network and encounter unexpected opportunities to collaborate or contribute your skills. Join the friends of the library, friends of the zoo, friends of the museum.

 ~ Alumni Associations:   Stay connected with your alma mater by joining alumni associations. Attending reunions, networking events, or mentorship programs to reconnect with former classmates. Expand your professional network, and likely discover new career paths or business ventures.


Ø Embrace Regular Social Interactions

 ~ Co-working Spaces and Shared Offices:   If you're a freelancer or remote worker, consider joining a co-working space or shared office. You'll be surrounded by other professionals, creating opportunities for spontaneous conversations, collaborations, and the exchange of ideas.

 ~ Industry-Specific Conferences:   Stay abreast of the latest trends and developments in your field by attending industry-specific meetups and conferences.  Attend and connect with experts, potential mentors, and future collaborators, expanding your knowledge and network.

 ~ Cultural Events and Festivals:   Immerse yourself in the local culture by attending art exhibitions, music festivals, and cultural events. You'll meet people from diverse backgrounds, spark interesting conversations, and potentially discover shared interests or hidden talents.

 ~ Workshops and Classes:   Enroll in workshops or classes related to your interests or professional development. You'll learn new skills, meet people with similar goals, and potentially form study groups or collaborative projects.


Ø Explore!  Explore Beyond Your Comfort Zone

 ~ Travel and Adventure:   Embark on trips or group adventures to new destinations. You'll meet people from different cultures, experience unexpected situations, and create lasting memories that can lead to  serendipitous encounters.

 ~ Volunteering and Community Service:   Dedicate some time and skills to a cause you're passionate about. There we meet individuals who share our values, and potentially encounter unexpected opportunities or connections.

 ~ Open Mics and Creative Events:   If you have a talent or creative pursuit, attend open mics, poetry slams, or other creative events. You'll share your passion, connect with other artists, and find collaborators or supporters for your projects.

Ø Cultivate a State of Open and Receptive Mindset

Ø Remove the mental barriers to the social world around you.

 ~ Be Approachable and Engaging:    Smile, make eye contact, and be open to chat with strangers. Strike up exchanges in coffee shops, on public transportation, or while waiting in line. You never know who you might meet or what opportunities might arise.

My friend Chuck met Cindy, the love of his life while standing in line for morning coffee at McDonalds. So did she. That’s material for a romantic story. (If you’re looking for a writing prompt or a movie script).

 ~ Be Curious and Ask Questions:   Show genuine interest in others and their stories.  Ask open-ended questions, listen actively, and engage in thoughtful conversations.

We learn new things, broaden our perspectives, and potentially uncover shared interests or unexpected connections, by practicing social behavior.

 ~ Act Generously and Be Helpful:   Offer your assistance or expertise to others whenever possible. Small acts of kindness can go a long way in building relationships and creating a positive impression.

 ~ Embrace Spontaneity:   Be open to unexpected invitations, last-minute plans, or detours from your routine. Serendipity encounters happen when you step outside your comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

 ~ Carry Your Business Card Everywhere.  Hand them out. If you authored and published a book, give book copies away.  My published books are my best business cards. No one tosses a book as they often do to business cards. If appropriate I sign my book and even dedicate it to contacts.

Serendipity is about creating opportunities for random encounters

and being open to the possibilities that arise.

By actively engaging in social activities, expanding our network, and cultivating a curious and receptive mindset, we increase our chances of experiencing those magical moments of serendipity that enrich our life in unexpected ways.

Casually Meet Cool People to Boost Serendipity Encounters

Ø Get Out and About

 ~ Coffee Shops & Cafeterias:   Grab a book or your laptop and head to a local coffee shop.  Strike up a conversation with someone while waiting in line or find a study buddy for the afternoon. I like to go out to Barnes & Noble bookstore. I pick up off the shelves a few interesting titles, order Chai Latte, and browse in the cafeteria. Ditto B&N cafeteria is also a social club.

 ~ Parks & Outdoor Spaces:   Take a walk, go for a jog, or have a picnic in the park.  We’re likely encounter other people enjoying the outdoors, creating opportunities for casual chats or shared activities.

 ~ Bookstores & Libraries:   Browse the shelves, attend author readings, or join a book club. You'll connect with fellow bookworms and discover new literary gems.

 ~ Museums & Art Galleries:   Immerse yourself in art and culture while potentially meeting someone who shares your interests. Strike up a conversation about a particular exhibit or artist.

I attend annually the ExpoChicago of international modern art in Navy Pier. Admission is expensive but the exhibits are amazing.  The exhibitors and the galleries assemble and come from all over the world. They are fascinating folks to meet and chat with. I take photos right and left of the art installations and the fascinating folks, if they permit…

 ~ Local Events & Festivals:   Check out community calendars for farmers' markets, craft fairs, music festivals, lollapalooza, foodfest, air and water show, NASCAR Chicago street race and other local events. These gatherings offer a fun and relaxed atmosphere for meeting new people.

Ø Find Your Tribe

 ~ Gather a tribe.  Make it your tribe.  Attract your tribe folks with tribal stories and activities.

~ Sports Leagues & Fitness Classes:   Join a recreational sports league or fitness class. You get some exercise while bonding with teammates or fellow fitness enthusiasts.

 ~ Hobby Groups & Meetups:   Whether you're into photography, board games, or hiking, there's likely a group or meetup for you. Connect with people who share your passions.

 ~ Volunteer Opportunities:   Give back to your community while meeting like-minded individuals. Volunteer at a local soup kitchen, animal shelter, or community garden. I volunteer in a charity medical clinic. There I get to meet doctors, other philanthropists and businesspeople.

 ~ Language Exchange Groups:   If you want to learn a new language, join a language exchange group. You'll practice your skills while connecting with people from different cultures.

 ~ Online Communities & Forums:   Participate in online communities or forums related to your interests. You might find local meetups or events organized by these groups.

 ~ Be a club member.  Join civic clubs. Join Toastmasters Int.  Get membership of your local Chamber of Commerce.  Read more of that serendipity rich resource below.

 ~ List your profile (anonymously) on an on-line dating site.  Discover who else is there.

 ~ Please - Don’t be a recluse.  Never.


Ø Get a Personality Upgrade - Stay Open - Expect New Experiences.

 ~ Say "Yes” - Often:   Be open to spontaneous invitations and last-minute plans. Step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

 ~ Go on Blind Dates.  Check out the profile of Miriam Adelson on Wikipedia. She went on a blind date and later inherited a $30 billion fortune according to Forbes magazine.

Was that a happy serendipity encounter, or what?

 ~ Strike Up Conversations:   Don't be afraid to chat with people you encounter in your daily life. Compliment someone's outfit, ask for a recommendation, or simply say Hello. I say Hello to folks who walk their dog in front of my house.

 ~ Be an Attentive Listener:   Show genuine interest in others and their stories. Ask questions and actively engage in conversations.

 ~ Be Yourself:   Let your personality shine through. People are drawn to authenticity and genuine connections.

 ~ Have Fun in Gatherings:   Relax and enjoy the feelings of meeting new people. ~ Take photos with people as socially appropriate. Every opportunity is a photo opportunity.  Post your pics on FB and IG.

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BONUS TIP:  How to get the most from your local Chamber of Commerce.

Based on my years of experience to get the most from your local Chamber of Commerce, consider these key strategies:

Actively Participate and Engage in Chamber Activities!

 ~ Attend Events    Regularly attend networking events, workshops, and seminars to connect with other members, learn new skills, and stay informed about local business developments.

Okay. I know that your time is more valuable than the membership fee. But who may get seated next to you?  Millionaires and diplomats. Wow. I got serendipity stories to tell.

 ~Join Committees.    Volunteer on Chamber committees that align with your interests and expertise. This provides opportunities to contribute, build relationships, and gain visibility within the Chamber and your business community.

 ~ Use the Online Directory:   Leverage the Chamber's online directory to find potential customers, suppliers, and partners.

 ~ Attend Ribbon Cuttings & Grand Openings:   Support fellow Chamber members and show your community spirit by participating in these events.

 ~ Utilize Chamber Resources:   Take advantage of educational programs, business counseling services, and marketing opportunities offered by the Chamber.

Networking and Relationship Building.

 ~ Build Relationships:   Focus on building meaningful relationships with other Chamber members, rather than just making sales pitches.

 ~ Exchange Business Cards:   Always carry your business cards and actively exchange them with others. Hand out your published book. A business card is frequently tossed. Your published book is placed on a shelf.

 ~ Follow Up:   After meeting someone, send a personalized follow-up email or message to keep the connection alive.

 ~ Engage on Social Media:   Connect with other Chamber members on social media platforms and participate in online discussions. I can’t repeat it enough.

 ~ Offer Referrals:   Help other members by referring potential customers or partners when appropriate.


Promote Yourself and your Business.

~ Volunteer to Speak:   Share your expertise by volunteering to speak at Chamber events or workshops.

 ~ Sponsor Events or Host an Event:    Increase your visibility by sponsoring events or programs in your business place.


By actively participating, building relationships, and taking advantage of the Chamber's resources, you maximize the benefits of your membership.

Building meaningful connections takes time and effort.  Serendipity happens randomly when you're not actively seeking it.

Have patience with yourself and enjoy the social journey of meeting strangers and expanding your social circles.  You never know who you might meet or what adventures await!

By cultivating this mindset and adopting these tactics, you increase your chances of encountering happy accidents that lead to breakthroughs and innovation. Remember, serendipity is a skill that can be honed.  Unleash your inner guerrilla serendipity freak and see what unexpected wonders you discover!


The Reflection Bonus.  Social Lights Make You Be seen.  

Socialites ascend to celebrity status and wield star power through multi-faceted tactics, capitalizing on their privileged positions and shrewdly refining their public image:

1. Leveraging Connections and Privilege: They often hail from affluent families (Anderson CooperGloria Vanderbilt), or marrying into wealth (Julia Koch - David Koch) , socialites gain access to exclusive events and mingle with established celebrities. The proximity to fame opens doors for collaborations, media exposure, and public recognition.

2. Crafting a Captivating Persona: Socialites meticulously curate their public image, utilizing social media, fashion choices, and public appearances to project a glamorous and aspirational lifestyle (Keeping up with the Kardashians). This calculated presentation piques public interest and garners a dedicated following.

3. Commanding Media Attention: Frequent appearances at high-profile events, red carpets, or charity galas ensure socialites remain in the spotlight. Where Anna Wintour goes the attention of paparazzi and media outlets flows.  She is the editor of Vogue Magazine… This consistent exposure solidifies their presence in the public consciousness.

4. Embracing Reality TV and Digital Platforms: Reality television shows and social media platforms provide stages for socialites to showcase their lives, personalities, and relationships. This intimate glimpse into their world attracts a loyal fanbase, further solidifying their celebrity status.

5. Venturing into Business and Brand Partnerships: Many socialites leverage their fame to launch entrepreneurial ventures or collaborate with established brands Adidas YeezYKanye West. These endeavors not only enhance their financial success but also expand their reach and influence.

6. Aligning with Established Stars: Forming friendships and romantic connections with established celebrities can significantly elevate a socialite's profile. This association draws media attention and piques public interest, propelling them further into the limelight.

7. Championing Philanthropy and Activism: Engaging in charitable work and supporting social causes can significantly enhance a socialite's reputation. This dedication to making a positive impact generates favorable media coverage and resonates with a wider audience.

8. Maintaining Relevance in an Ever-Changing Landscape: The path to socialite stardom is not without its challenges. Sustaining fame requires maintenance work - adaptability, strategic networking, and a knack for staying relevant in a rapidly evolving media landscape.

9. Adopting Controversy and Drama: While not always intentional, but involvement in scandals or public feuds can paradoxically amplify a socialite's notoriety (Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce.  The attention, whether positive or negative, keeps you in the headlines and fuels public fascination.

10. The Power of Personal Brand or Famous for Being Famous:  Ultimately, a socialite's success hinges on their ability to cultivate a unique and compelling personal brand. This distinctive identity sets them apart from the crowd and ensures their longevity in the fickle world of fame.  Zsa Zsa Gabor and her sisters. She managed to stay famous for no known reason of identifiable merit.


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