Mondo Duplantis lives a life of serendipity - he is a 2024 Olympics champion.
When you possess the mindset of serendipity
encounters you are bound to do something new every day. As you do that you’re likely to go to places
that no human went there before. You can
be an Olympic Champion and wealthy at that.
All you do is live by the three principles of serendipity of life:
· Sagacity
· Adventurism
· Sociability
The gold medal Olympic pole vaulter - Armand Duplantis - provides
insight into doing special things; and the power of doing and encountering such
special things.
Don't let a day go by without doing at least one
special thing!
When you do everyday
something new and special you position yourself to encounter more and more new fortunate
serendipity experiences.
Cultivating a mindset of serendipity opens the door
to a life filled with novel experiences and unexpected joys. By actively seeking out the new and embracing
the unknown, you invite fortunate serendipity encounters to weave its magic
into your daily routine. Here's how to make, "Do something new every
day", your mantra.
Three Principles of Encountering Serendipity
Sagacity. Sharpen your mind. Be observant, curious, and
open to possibilities. Cultivate a deep
understanding of yourself and the world around you.
Adventurism. Step
outside your comfort zone. Embrace challenges, explore unfamiliar territory,
and say "yes" to opportunities that spark your interest.
Connect with others. Engage in
conversations, build relationships, and be receptive to the diverse
perspectives and experiences of those you meet.
It is the book-marketing
guru, John Kremer, that led me to learn of the inimitable Mondo Duplantis.
Inspiration from the Extraordinary
Consider the remarkable journey of Mondo (Armand)
Duplantis, the Olympic gold medalist in pole vaulting. His relentless
pursuit of excellence, coupled with his willingness to push boundaries, has led
him to achieve extraordinary heights—both literally and figuratively.
Duplantis's story exemplifies the power of embracing new challenges and
consistently striving for improvement.
A Tapestry of New Experiences
Each day presents a
blank canvas upon which to paint fresh experiences. Here are some ideas to
spark our imagination and physical performance:
Creative Expression:
· Write
a poem or short story that captures your emotions.
· Compose
a song or learn to play a new musical instrument.
· Sketch
a portrait or experiment with a different painting technique.
· Design
a unique piece of jewelry or clothing.
· Take
a photo of a memorable breathtaking view.
Exploration and Adventure
· Wander
through a neighborhood you've never visited before.
· Climb
a new trail or walk a nearby park.
· Visit
a museum or art gallery you've never been to.
· Take
a day trip to a nearby town or city.
Social Connections
· Strike
up a conversation with a stranger at a coffee shop.
· Reach
out to an old friend you haven't spoken to in a while.
· Join
a local club or a group of gym workouts.
· Volunteer
your time to a cause you care about.
Personal Growth
· Exercise
your body. As Mondo does.
· Learn
a new language or skill.
· Read
a book on a topic you're unfamiliar with.
· Attend
a workshop or seminar.
· Meditate
or practice mindfulness.
Everyday Wonders
· Try
a new recipe or taste a new cuisine.
· Take
a different route to work or school.
· Listen
to a new genre of music.
· Watch
a documentary on a subject that intrigues you.
The Ripple Effect of Serendipity
When we commit to doing something new every day, we
create a ripple effect that extends far beyond our personal life. You inspire
others to embrace their own sense of adventure and to seek out the
extraordinary in the ordinary. You become a beacon of positivity and a catalyst
for change.
Start small. Even the smallest actions can lead to
significant shifts in your perspective.
Be present. Learn from others. Pay attention to your
coaches and the details of your experiences and savor the moments.
Reflect. Take
time to appreciate the lessons you've learned and the growth you've achieved.
My Take
By seeking out and actively embracing new
experiences every day with a mindset of serendipity, we unlock a world of
random front-line encounters, and create a life of wonder and fulfillment.
James Publishing NYC
Tags: #bookmarketing #bookpublishing #Themasterattractor #serendipity
#MondoDuplantis #MorganJamesPublishing