Intellectual School of Thought on Trump Books About Books
on Trump
The first volume in this nascent school of intellectual
studies was published in 2020.
On July 17, 2002, Donald J. Trump said:
Many books have been written about me,
some good, some bad. Both happily and sadly, there will be more to come!
Over 4,500 books, so far, were published about
former president Donald Trump, according to the British Guardian newspaper.
The 45th president of the U. S. has taken authorship
according to the New Statesman magazine, on 17 published books.
Better yet, in 2020 the journalist Carlos Lozada published a book in which
he reviewed some of the book writing and book publishing industry - contents
and business – over the personality, the life and doings of Donald Trump.
The book is titled, “What Were We Thinking: A Brief
Intellectual History of the Trump Era.”*
The Guardian - is a Marxist leaning British paper - described
Lozada’s book as, “…analyses 150 often trashy books about someone who is not
known to have read a single book and hired stooges to write the 20 self-puffing
volumes published in his name.”
That is after having been one term president.
Obviously The Guardian being what it is - dedicated
to its ethos of downgrading Donald Trump - will be studied and discussed long
after the retirement of the Guardians present and future Publishers and Editors-in-Chief.
There are no known plans for a Trump Presidential
Library but it’s going to be a YUGE, BIG library building. It all depends on
the future number of his presidential terms we will witness.
*Lozada, Carlos (2020). What were we thinking: a
brief intellectual history of the Trump era. New York: Simon & Schuster.
ISBN 978-1-9821-4562-0.
Lozada is a Pulitzer Prize winner, a book critic for the
Washington Post and adjuct Professor of political journalism at the University of
Notre Dame.
More to come.
Biblioteca Trumpiana™
is our own trade mark.
#BibliotecaTrumpiana #DonaldJTrump #CarlosLozada #Simon&Schuster #WashingtonPost #BooksonTrump #UniversityofNotredame
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